#Border Width
These are utility classes that specify the border width of elements.
Class | Styles |
u-border-0 |
u-border-1 |
u-border-2 |
u-border-4 |
u-border-8 |
Supported Pseudo-Variants
See more pseudo-variants.
These are utility classes that specify the border width of elements.
Class | Styles |
u-border-0 |
u-border-1 |
u-border-2 |
u-border-4 |
u-border-8 |
See more pseudo-variants.
Below is a demo of all utility classes that set a border width. The syntax follows the form of u-border-[0|1|2|4|8]
<div class="u-border-0 ..."></div>
<div class="u-border-1 ..."></div>
<div class="u-border-2 ..."></div>
<div class="u-border-4 ..."></div>
<div class="u-border-8 ..."></div>
⚠ Note that the viewport variants are disabled in the default build of Cirrus. To enable, you must enable it yourself in
and create a custom build or enable it in the config in your Sass project.//_configs.scss $config: ( viewports: ( flags.$BORDER-WIDTH: true, ) ) !default;
To use the viewport variant of a given class, you just need to suffix each class with a viewport selector. For example, if I only want u-border-2
to be applied to some element for lg
and above, then I would use the lg:u-border-2
<div class="lg:u-border-2">
<!-- ... -->
For more information, visit the Viewports documentation.
The classes specified above are the default utility classes for setting the border-width property. You can add, change, or remove classes within the _config.scss
file of Cirrus.
// _config.scss
$config: (
extend: (
border: (
width: (
'12': 12px,
'16': 16px
) !default;
This would generate the following classes.
.u-border-12 {
border-width: 12px !important;
.u-border-16 {
border-width: 16px !important;
Learn more about how to extend Cirrus to support your use cases in the Configuration documentation.